Rule Book

 Louisiana Chosen League Rulebook 

Through open and measured communication with its members, LCSF will tailor its rules to ensure uniform and fair application to ensure and maintain the spirit of fair competition. LCSF members may contact Terrance George or Jonathan Norbert with questions regarding this Rule Book and the contents therein

All rules and regulations will prevail based on the State High School Associations (NFHS) Rulebook.pdf 

EXCEPT for changes that are indicated below by governing rules and regulations specific to this league:  

I. Game Length 

∙ 8u games: four 8-minute quarters

∙ 10u games: four 8-minute quarters

∙ 12u games: four 9-minute quarters 

∙ ---------------------------------------------- 

∙ During the last two minutes of halftime and the end of the game a regulation clock will be used. The regulation clock will stop for the following instances: out-of-bounds, incomplete passes, and other penalties that require clock stoppage.

∙ ------------------------------------------------ 

∙ Clock Specifics: For a period that starts with a kickoff, the clock shall start when the ball is legally touched. If the period begins with a regular play, the clock will start at the snap of the ball. Clock will only stop after a touchdown during the PAT.

II. Playing Rules and Regulations 

1. Cut off date will be August 1

2. Players will play in their specific age bracket

3. When the referee gives the ready-to-play signal and the whistle blows, the offensive team has 30 seconds to snap or free-kick the ball. The penalty for a delay-of-game is 5 yards.



b. Before the game, the referee in the presence of the team captains and coach shall toss a coin after designating which a captain shall call it. The winner of the toss shall choose whether to kick or receive and which goal to defend. 

c. There will be a 20-yard simulated kick. NO rushing is allowed during the simulated kick... No punts can be placed inside the 10 yd line. 


a. A player is only allowed to blitz from their position.  

b. Linebackers and defensive backs are not allowed to blitz from the line of scrimmage.  

c. Only exception to the rule is if the line of scrimmage is manned by only 4 players. This will allow the Linebacker or defensive back to occupy the max limit. 

Defensive Specifics

a. A defensive player shall not be aligned directly over the center. 

b. No shading the center, defensive lineman must line up in the gap.

c. Defense teams are only allowed a max of 8 players in the box. A maximum of 5 players can be on the line of scrimmage prior to the snap of the ball. (Blitzing is allowed) 

Offensive Specifics 

a. After a huddle or shift, all offensive players shall come to an absolute stop and remain stationary simultaneously without any movement of hands, feet, head, or body for at least one second before the snap. (The exception is an end or back which may be put in motion.) 


a. There will be no blocking below the waist. The penalty will be 10 yds.  



a. Each team will get one possession from the ten-yard line to score.  

b. First possession will be determined by a coin toss (visitor calls) and the winner of which chooses offense or defense.  

c. Fumbles and interceptions cannot be returned for defensive points. If the defense gains possession, the offensive set of downs will not continue (per NFHS overtime rules). 

Time Outs and Breaks 

a. Each team shall be allowed 3 one-minute time-outs per half. Only the Head Coach and Field Coach can call timeouts.

b. 10-minute break between halves.

III. Scoring 

∙ Point after touchdown (PAT) will be played from the 5-yard line 

∙ Touchdowns are 6 points 

∙ PAT Run play is 1 point. 

∙ PAT Pass play is 2 points. 

∙ Safety is 2 points 

IV. Player and Coach Specifics 

1. Uniforms will be provided by the League. If teams wish to have more than one uniform, they MUST go through the League’s approved vendor. 

2. Coaches are responsible for the proper wear and fitting of each player’s equipment. 

3. Required equipment for gameplay

a. Helmet w/ facemask & Chinstrap 

b. Mouthpiece

c. Shoulder pads 

d. Seven Lower body pads 

e. Cleats

4. Kids that are over the weight limit are not eligible to be placed in a ball-carrier position unless previously given the okay. (Ex: RB, WR, QB, etc.) 

5. Ball Carrier weight limits: 

a. 8u maximum of 85lbs  

b. 10u maximum of 125lbs 

c. 12u No maximum weight

6. The 8u and 10u will be allowed to have one coach on the field either a defensive or an offensive coach during game time. **Strictly enforced rule!** 

7. There will only be 3 Coaches per team.

Independent Teams

  1. Uniforms must have Louisiana Chosen logo
  2. Must have Home and Away jersey
  3. Must register all players on the Louisiana Chosen Website.
  4. Each team will have a maximum of 28 players.

V. Referees Call 

1. The referee is in total control of the game and their call stands. 

2. You may have 1 questioned call per half if you do not understand what the referee called. These do not carry over to the second half. 

3. Only coaches may question a call and they must respectfully ask the referee closest to them to have a meeting on the sidelines to review the call that is in question with the head coach of that team. 

4. The referee can then fill in the head coach from the opposing team if they feel that it is pertinent to do so. 

5. Any other questioning of the calls will result in: 

a. 1st time: Warning  

b. 2nd time: 10-yard penalty   

c. 3rd time: Kicked out of the facilities. 

***This is not an image that we want to portray to our players questioning every judgment call. If the referee is continually calling something that is not a rule for our league then please call the field representative over and they will discuss it with the referee. ***

VI. Penalties, Disqualifications, Forfeitures etc. 

1. Penalties: 

a. 5 yards for a minor infraction 

b. 10 yards for a major infraction 

c. 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct 

d. 15 yards and loss of down for NON-COACH ON THE SIDELINE. 

**it would be helpful to share this information with parents, so your team is not  

continually penalized during gameplay**  

2. Automatic Disqualifications from the game: 

a. Fighting (whether it is a coach, player, or spectator) 

b. Striking, kicking, or kneeing any coach, player, or spectator 

c. Intentional malicious contact with a game official 

d. Two unsportsmanlike fouls by a player or spectator  

e. The referee may eject a player, coach, or spectator for one unsportsmanlike conduct depending on the severity of the action 

f. Any other act that is unruly, intentionally malicious, rough, and/or flagrant 

g. A spectator violating the parent line or cautioned parent area. 

3. Mercy Rule: Once a team has a lead by 35 points the score is officially frozen. At the losing team’s discretion, the game can be continued as a scrimmage game without the further score being kept. WE ENCOURAGE all teams to utilize this time to include players that may not get ample playing time to help train and further develop their skills. 

4. Forfeitures result in a score of 6-0 

a. Playing a child, not on the official roster results in automatic forfeiture. 

*** No team will exceed 28 players, all players on the roster must play***

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